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Cruise Ships Can Outrun Hurricanes

Cruise Ships Can Outrun Hurricanes

How Fast Can Cruise Ships Travel?

Most cruise ships can travel at speeds of 20 to 25 knots, which is faster than the average hurricane. Hurricanes typically move at speeds of 8 to 10 knots, so cruise ships can typically outrun them.

Why Do Cruise Ships Outrun Hurricanes?

There are a few reasons why cruise ships can outrun hurricanes. First, cruise ships are much larger than hurricanes. A typical cruise ship is about 1,000 feet long and weighs over 100,000 tons. Hurricanes, on the other hand, are typically only a few hundred miles wide and weigh less than 10,000 tons. This means that cruise ships have much more momentum than hurricanes, which makes them harder to stop.

Second, cruise ships have more powerful engines than hurricanes. A typical cruise ship has several diesel engines that can produce a total of up to 100,000 horsepower. Hurricanes, on the other hand, are powered by the wind. While the wind can be very strong in a hurricane, it is not as powerful as the engines of a cruise ship.

Finally, cruise ships are more maneuverable than hurricanes. Cruise ships can turn and change direction quickly, while hurricanes are much slower to change direction. This makes it easier for cruise ships to avoid hurricanes.
